from locale import strcoll from Products.CMFCore import CMFCorePermissions from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Acquisition import aq_parent, aq_inner from Products.ATContentTypes.content.base import updateActions from Products.ATContentTypes.content.topic import ATTopic, IGNORED_FIELDS from Products.ATContentTypes.interfaces import IATTopic from Products.ATContentTypes.types.criteria import _criterionRegistry from Products.ATContentTypes.permission import ChangeTopics, AddTopics from Products.CMFCore.permissions import View from Products.ATContentTypes.content.topic import ATTopicSchema from Products.ATContentTypes.interfaces import IATTopicSearchCriterion, IATTopicSortCriterion from Products.Archetypes.public import * from config import * from Products.CMFPlone.PloneBatch import Batch from Products.ATContentTypes.config import TOOLNAME from StringIO import StringIO from csv import DictWriter import csv qTopic_schema = ATTopicSchema.copy() + Schema(( StringField("catalog", default = "portal_catalog", vocabulary = "getCatalogList", widget = SelectionWidget(label="Catalog", label_msgid="label_catalog", description="Select catalog to query", description_msgid="description_catalog") ), BooleanField("showHeader", schemata = "export", default = 1, widget = BooleanWidget(label="Print field headers", label_msgid="label_print_headers", description="Check if headers need to be printed", description_msgid="description_print_headers") ), StringField("delimiter", default = ";", schemata = "export", widget = StringWidget(label="Values delimiter", label_msgid="label_delimiter", description="Select delimiter to be used in CSV", description_msgid="description_delimiter", size = 4) ), )) qTopic_schema["customViewFields"].schemata = "export" qTopic_schema["customViewFields"].vocabulary = "listMetaDataFields" qTopic_schema["customViewFields"].default=("id","getFullName","getEmail") class qTopic(ATTopic): """A topic folder""" meta_type = "qTopic" portal_type = "qTopic" archetype_name = "qTopic" typeDescription= ("qTopic is the same topic but with "+ "option of catlog selection") typeDescMsgId = "description_edit_topic" schema = qTopic_schema security = ClassSecurityInfo() actions = updateActions(ATTopic, ( { "id" : "export_csv", "name" : "Export in CSV", "action" : "string:${folder_url}/result_csv", "permissions" : (CMFCorePermissions.View,) }, ) ) def getCatalogList(self): """ return list of catalog ids """ at_tool = getToolByName(self, "archetype_tool") catalogs = at_tool.getCatalogsInSite() return DisplayList(zip(catalogs, catalogs)) security.declareProtected(ChangeTopics, "criteriaByIndexId") def criteriaByIndexId(self, indexId): """ get createrias by index """ catalog_tool = getToolByName(self, self.getCatalog()) indexObj = catalog_tool.Indexes[indexId] results = _criterionRegistry.criteriaByIndex(indexObj.meta_type) return results security.declareProtected(View, 'allowedCriteriaForField') def allowedCriteriaForField(self, field, display_list=False): """ Return all valid criteria for a given field. Optionally include descriptions in list in format [(desc1, val1) , (desc2, val2)] for javascript selector.""" tool = getToolByName(self, self.getCatalog()) criteria = _criterionRegistry.listTypes() allowed = [crit for crit in criteria if crit in self.criteriaByIndexId(field)] if display_list: flat = [] for a in allowed: desc = _criterionRegistry[a].shortDesc flat.append((a,desc)) allowed = DisplayList(flat) return allowed security.declareProtected(ChangeTopics, "listFields") def listFields(self): """Return a list of fields from portal_catalog. """ tool = getToolByName(self, TOOLNAME) return tool.getEnabledFields(catalog_name=self.getCatalog()) security.declareProtected(ChangeTopics, 'listAvailableFields') def listAvailableFields(self): """Return a list of available fields for new criteria. """ return self.listFields() security.declareProtected(View, 'listMetaDataFields') def listMetaDataFields(self, exclude=True): """Return a list of metadata fields from portal_catalog. """ tool = getToolByName(self, TOOLNAME) catalog_name=self.getCatalog() return tool.getMetadataDisplay(exclude,catalog_name=catalog_name) security.declareProtected(CMFCorePermissions.View, "queryCatalog") def queryCatalog(self, REQUEST=None, batch=False, b_size=None, full_objects=False, **kw): """Invoke the catalog using our criteria to augment any passed in query before calling the catalog. """ if REQUEST is None: REQUEST = getattr(self, 'REQUEST', {}) b_start = REQUEST.get('b_start', 0) q = self.buildQuery() if q is None: # empty query - do not show anything if batch: return Batch([], 20, int(b_start), orphan=0) return [] # Allow parameters to further limit existing criterias for k,v in q.items(): if kw.has_key(k): arg = kw.get(k) if isinstance(arg, (ListType,TupleType)) and isinstance(v, (ListType,TupleType)): kw[k] = [x for x in arg if x in v] elif isinstance(arg, StringType) and isinstance(v, (ListType,TupleType)) and arg in v: kw[k] = [arg] else: kw[k]=v else: kw[k]=v #kw.update(q) pcatalog = getToolByName(self, self.getCatalog()) limit = self.getLimitNumber() max_items = self.getItemCount() # Batch based on limit size if b_szie is unspecified if max_items and b_size is None: b_size = int(max_items) else: b_size = 20 if limit and max_items and self.hasSortCriterion(): # Sort limit helps Zope 2.6.1+ to do a faster query # sorting when sort is involved # See: kw.setdefault('sort_limit', max_items) __traceback_info__ = (self, kw,) results = pcatalog.searchResults(REQUEST, **kw) if full_objects and not limit: results = [b.getObject() for b in results] if batch: batch = Batch(results, b_size, int(b_start), orphan=0) return batch if limit: if full_objects: return [b.getObject() for b in results[:max_items]] return results[:max_items] return results def toCSV(self, fields, data): dialect = csv.excel() dialect.delimiter = self.getDelimiter() buffer = StringIO() writer = DictWriter(buffer, fieldnames=fields, dialect=dialect) if self.getShowHeader(): writer.writerow(dict(zip(fields, fields))) writer.writerows(data) return buffer.getvalue() registerType(qTopic, PROJECTNAME) def modify_fti(fti): """Remove folderlisting action """ actions = [] fti['allowed_content_types'] = ('qTopic',) fti['filter_content_types'] = 1 for action in fti["actions"]: if action["id"] == "folderlisting": action["visible"] = False #actions.append(action) #fti["actions"] = tuple(actions)