import re, commands from zope.interface import implements from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.qSEOptimizer.interfaces import IKeywords class AdditionalKeywords(object): implements(IKeywords) def __init__(self, context): self.context = context def listKeywords(self): portal_props = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_properties') seo_props = getToolByName(portal_props, 'seo_properties') # now set type is not using because of it unordered behaviour #original = set(self.context.qSEO_Keywords()) #additional = set(seo_props.additional_keywords) #text = set(self.context.SearchableText().split()) #keywords = list(additional.intersection(text).union(original)) keywords = list(self.context.qSEO_Keywords()) lower_keywords = map(lambda x: x.lower(), keywords) additional = seo_props.additional_keywords is_test = self.context.REQUEST.get('qseo_without_additional_keywords', None) if additional and is_test is None: # extract words from url page using lynx browser text = commands.getoutput('lynx --dump --nolist %s?qseo_without_additional_keywords=1' % self.context.absolute_url()).lower() if text and text != 'sh: lynx: command not found': for keyword in additional: if keyword.lower() not in lower_keywords and re.compile(r'\b%s\b' % keyword, re.I).search(text): keywords.append(keyword) return ', '.join(keywords)