import string from App.Common import package_home from os.path import exists as path_exists, join as path_join from cStringIO import StringIO from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import addDirectoryViews from Products.qSEOptimizer import qSEO_globals from OFS.ObjectManager import BadRequestException from Products.qSEOptimizer.config import * try: #for Plone-2.5 and higher from Products.CMFCore.permissions import ManagePortal except ImportError: from Products.CMFCore.CMFCorePermissions import ManagePortal configlets = ({'id':'qSEOptimizer', 'name':'Search Engine Optimizer', 'action':'string:${portal_url}/prefs_qseo_setup_form', 'condition':'', 'category':'Products', 'visible':1, 'appId':'qSEOptimizer', 'permission':ManagePortal, 'imageUrl':'search_icon.gif'},) qSEO_CONTENT = ['File','Document','News Item','BlogEntry'] qSEO_FOLDER = [] qSEO_TYPES = qSEO_CONTENT + qSEO_FOLDER try: True except: True = 1 False = 0 def addPropertySheet(self, out): """ Add seo_properties property sheet to portal_properties and some needed field to it """ portal_props = getToolByName(self, 'portal_properties') if not hasattr(portal_props, PROPERTY_SHEET): portal_props.addPropertySheet(PROPERTY_SHEET, SHEET_TITLE) out.write('Added %s property sheet to portal_properties\n' % PROPERTY_SHEET) else: out.write('Skipped adding %s property sheet to portal_properties\n' % PROPERTY_SHEET) sheet = getattr(portal_props, PROPERTY_SHEET) if not sheet.hasProperty('stop_words'): sheet._setProperty('stop_words', STOP_WORDS, 'lines') out.write("Added 'stop_words' property field to %s property sheet\n" % PROPERTY_SHEET) if not sheet.hasProperty('fields'): sheet._setProperty('fields', FIELDS, 'lines') out.write("Added 'fields' property field to %s property sheet\n" % PROPERTY_SHEET) if not sheet.hasProperty('additional_keywords'): sheet._setProperty('additional_keywords', [], 'lines') out.write("Added 'additional_keywords' property field to %s property sheet\n" % PROPERTY_SHEET) if not sheet.hasProperty('default_custom_metatags'): sheet._setProperty('default_custom_metatags', DEFAULT_CUSTOM_METATAGS, 'lines') out.write("Added 'default_custom_metatags' property field to %s property sheet\n" % PROPERTY_SHEET) def setupSkin(self, out, layers): """Setup skins""" skinstool=getToolByName(self, 'portal_skins') addDirectoryViews(skinstool, 'skins', qSEO_globals) for skin in skinstool.getSkinSelections(): modified = False path = skinstool.getSkinPath(skin) path = map( string.strip, string.split( path,',' ) ) for layer in layers: if not layer in path: try: path.insert(path.index('custom')+1, layer ) except ValueError: path.append(layer) modified = True out.write(' Layer %s sucessfully installed into skin %s.\n' % (layer,skin)) else: out.write(' Layer %s was already installed into skin %s.\n' % (layer,skin)) if modified: path = string.join( path, ', ' ) skinstool.addSkinSelection( skin, path ) def removeSkin(self, layer): """Remove layers""" skinstool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_skins') for skinName in skinstool.getSkinSelections(): original_path = skinstool.getSkinPath(skinName) original_path = [l.strip() for l in original_path.split(',')] new_path= [] for l in original_path: if (l == layer) or (l.startswith(layer+'/')): continue new_path.append(l) skinstool.addSkinSelection(skinName, ','.join(new_path)) def setupActions(self, out): # And now update the relevant portal_type actions out.write("Inspecting portal_types\n") tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types') for ptype in tool.objectValues(): if ptype.getId() in qSEO_TYPES: #add the action for viewing versioning try: #for Plone-2.5 and higher acts = filter(lambda x: == 'seo_properties', ptype.listActions()) action = acts and acts[0] or None except AttributeError: action = ptype.getActionById('seo_properties', default=None ) if action is None: out.write( ' Added SEO Properties tab for %s\n' % ptype.getId() ) ptype.addAction( 'seo_properties', 'SEO Properties', 'string:${object_url}/qseo_properties_edit_form', '', 'Modify portal content', 'object', visible=1 ) def removeActions(self): # And now update the relevant portal_type actions tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_types') for ptype in tool.objectValues(): if ptype.getId() in qSEO_TYPES: #delet the action for viewing versioning try: #for Plone-2.5 and higher acts = filter(lambda x: == 'seo_properties', ptype.listActions()) action = acts and acts[0] or None except AttributeError: action = ptype.getActionById('seo_properties', default=None ) if action != None: acts = list(ptype.listActions()) ptype.deleteActions([acts.index(a) for a in acts if a.getId()=='seo_properties']) def install(self): """Install product""" out = StringIO() Layers =[] mtool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_migration') plone_version = mtool.getFileSystemVersion() product_path = package_home(qSEO_globals) versioned_skin = path_join(product_path, 'skins','qSEOptimizer', plone_version) #add exposeDCMetaTags property to Plone 2.0.x props = getToolByName(self, 'portal_properties').site_properties if not hasattr(props, 'exposeDCMetaTags'): props._setProperty('exposeDCMetaTags', True, 'boolean') addPropertySheet(self, out) Layers.append('qSEOptimizer') out.write(' Searching for %s... ' % versioned_skin) if path_exists(versioned_skin): out.write('found.\n') Layers.append('qSEOptimizer/%s' % plone_version) elif str(plone_version) < "3": out.write("not found.\nLimited functionality mode. Upgrade" "qSEOptimizer product or report to" "if uprade not available.\n\n") out.write('Call setupSkin... \n') setupSkin(self, out, Layers) out.write('Call setupActions... \n') setupActions(self, out) configTool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_controlpanel', None) if configTool: for conf in configlets: configTool.registerConfiglet(**conf) out.write('Added configlet %s\n' % conf['id']) return out.getvalue() def uninstall(self): """ Uninstall Products """ out = StringIO() removeSkin(self, 'qSEOptimizer') removeActions(self) configTool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_controlpanel', None) if configTool: for conf in configlets: try: configTool.unregisterConfiglet(conf['id']) except BadRequestException,KeyError: portal_icons = getToolByName(self,'portal_actionicons') portal_icons.manage_removeActionIcon(conf['category'],conf['id']) out.write('Removed configlet %s\n' % conf['id']) return 'qSEOptimizer succesfully removed'