Edit SEO Properties

This form allows you to edit html header meta tags that ape produced by Plone CMS to incrase Search Engine visibility. The values generated by Plone are present as default values in input fields. To override default value, check corresponding checkbox and input value itself in corresponding field.

Item Properties
Text to be present into <TITLE> tag. It is displayed in browser title bar. Search engines display it as a title of the document.
Description of the document to be displayed right below title in search engine results. It is indexed and considered to be more important then the page content by several SE.
Keywords of the page to be indexed with. Enter each keyword in separate line, please. Though the relevance of listing meta keywords is of questionable value now it is useful to document what meta keywords you are focusing on for this page - for furture reference.
Comments embedded into HTML header.
Robots meta tag value. Allows or denies indefing, following links, etc. for spiders indexing your content.
Distribution meta tag to designate time and area disribution of the document.
Get the byline - contains details about author and modification date.