from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Acquisition import aq_base def setupRSS2Types(context, rss2_types = (), only_published = 0, include_subfolders = 0, articles_number = 20, enable_itunes = 0, itunes_image_url = '', itunes_explicit = 0, REQUEST = None): """ Save all needed RSS2 properties into 'syndication_information' """ obj=aq_base(context) syInfo = getattr(obj, 'syndication_information', None) if syInfo is None: message = 'Syndication is Disabled' status = 'failed' else: syInfo.rss2_types = list(rss2_types) syInfo.only_published = only_published syInfo.include_subfolders = include_subfolders syInfo.max_items = articles_number syInfo.enable_itunes = enable_itunes syInfo.itunes_image_url = itunes_image_url syInfo.itunes_explicit = itunes_explicit status = 'success' message = 'Your changes have been saved' return status, message def getRSS2Properties(context): """ Return directory of RSS2 properties from 'syndication_information' """ obj=aq_base(context) syInfo = getattr(obj, 'syndication_information', None) syPropeties={} syPropeties['rss2_types'] = getattr(syInfo,'rss2_types',[]) syPropeties['only_published'] = getattr(syInfo,'only_published',0) syPropeties['include_subfolders'] = getattr(syInfo,'include_subfolders',0) syPropeties['articles_number'] =int(getattr(syInfo,'max_items',20)) syPropeties['enable_itunes'] = getattr(syInfo,'enable_itunes',0) syPropeties['itunes_image_url'] = getattr(syInfo,'itunes_image_url','') syPropeties['itunes_explicit'] = getattr(syInfo,'itunes_explicit',0) return syPropeties def listSyndicatableContent(context): """ List folder contents - catalog query * filtered types only * sort on effective * take only first 'articles_number' of elements """ res = [] ps = getToolByName(context,'portal_syndication') cpath = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath()) syProperties = getRSS2Properties(context) include_subfolders = 0 path_length=len(cpath)+1 res1=[] if ps.isSyndicationAllowed(context): types = syProperties['rss2_types'] only_published = syProperties['only_published'] include_subfolders = syProperties['include_subfolders'] articles_number = syProperties['articles_number'] catalog = getToolByName(context,'portal_catalog') args = {'portal_type':types, 'path':cpath, 'sort_on':'effective', 'sort_order':'reverse',} if only_published: args['review_state'] = 'published' if include_subfolders == 0: args['sort_limit'] = articles_number res=catalog.searchResults(args) if include_subfolders == 0: for i in res : if i.getPath()[path_length:].find('/')<0: res1.append(i) res = res1[:articles_number] res = [r.getObject() for r in res] return res def getFileContentType(context): """ !ATAudio specific only! Get the content type of file field method """ return context.Schema()['file'].getContentType(context)