import os, re, string, sets, time from import zapi from App.config import getConfiguration from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from config import * from write_utils import writeProps, writeFileContent, writeObjectsMeta from zope.interface import providedBy from zope.schema import getFields from zope.component import getMultiAdapter, getUtility, getSiteManager from zope.publisher.interfaces.browser import IBrowserRequest from five.customerize.interfaces import IViewTemplateContainer, ITTWViewTemplate from plone.portlets.interfaces import IPortletAssignmentMapping, IPortletManager, IPlacelessPortletManager from plone.portlets.interfaces import IPortletContext, IPortletDataProvider from plone.portlets.interfaces import ILocalPortletAssignmentManager from import generateIdFromRegistration, interfaceName from Products.GenericSetup.utils import _getDottedName, _resolveDottedName from Products.GenericSetup.interfaces import IBody from Products.GenericSetup.context import BaseContext CSS_PATTERN = re.compile("^.+\.css$") JS_PATTERN = re.compile("^.+\.js$") _write_custom_meta_type_list = [ 'Controller Page Template', 'Controller Python Script', 'Controller Validator', 'DTML Method', 'File', 'Image', 'Page Template', 'Script (Python)' ] _acceptable_meta_types = _write_custom_meta_type_list + ['Folder',] ospJoin = os.path.join def get_product_listdirs(): """ Return a contents of all plugged in Products directories.""" products = sets.Set() [products.update(os.listdir(product_dir)) for product_dir in Products.__path__] return products def get_id(obj): """ Get real object's id.""" id = callable( and or assert obj.getId() == id, "expected identical ids: '%s' != '%s'" % (obj.getId(), id) return id def getData(obj, meta_type): """ Return object's data.""" return meta_type in ['Image', 'File'] and obj.manage_FTPget() or obj.document_src() def dumpPortalViewCustomization(context): result = [] components = getSiteManager(context) localregs = [reg for reg in components.registeredAdapters() if (len(reg.required) in (2, 4, 5) and reg.required[1].isOrExtends(IBrowserRequest) and ITTWViewTemplate.providedBy(reg.factory))] container = getUtility(IViewTemplateContainer) # import pdb;pdb.set_trace() for lreg in localregs: # ttw_id = generateIdFromRegistration(lreg) ttw_id = lreg.factory.__name__ if ttw_id not in container.objectIds(): continue ttw = getattr(container, ttw_id) ttw_info = {'for_name' : interfaceName(lreg.required[0]), 'type_name' : interfaceName(lreg.required[-1]), 'view_name' :, 'kwargs' : {'text' : ttw._text, 'content_type' : ttw.content_type, 'encoding' : ttw.output_encoding, }} result.append(ttw_info) return result def extractInfoFromAssignment(name, assignment): klass = assignment.__class__ a = {'name' : name, 'class' : '%s' % _getDottedName(klass)} data = kwargs = {} for i in list(providedBy(data)): if i.isOrExtends(IPortletDataProvider): for field_name, field in getFields(i).items(): kwargs[field_name] = field.get(assignment) a['kwargs'] = kwargs return a def extractSiteWidePortlets(context, managers): """ Extract site-wide portlets Data structure: '__site-wide-portlets__', [(, ), (, ), (, )]) : {'category1' : , 'category2' : } : {'key1' : , 'key2' : } : {'assignment_name1' : , 'assignment_name2' : } : {'name' : 'Assignment', 'class' : '', 'kwargs' : {'parameter1' : 'value1', 'parameter2' : 'value2'} """ info = [] for manager_name, manager in managers: manager_info = {} for category, catmapping in manager.items(): catmapping_info = {} for key, mapping in catmapping.items(): mapping_info = {} for name, assignment in mapping.items(): mapping_info[name] = extractInfoFromAssignment(name, assignment) catmapping_info[key] = mapping_info manager_info[category] = catmapping_info info.append((manager_name, manager_info)) return info def extractContextPortletsFromManager(context, manager): """ Extract all contextual portlets from given object and portlet manager, and portlets blacklists Data structure: = {'blacklists' : [(GROUP_CATEGORY, True), (CONTENT_TYPE_CATEGORY, False), (CONTEXT_CATEGORY, None)], 'assignments' : [{'name' : 'Assignment-2', 'class' : '', 'kwargs' : {'parameter1' : 'value1', 'parameter2' : 'value2'}}, {'name' : 'Assignment', 'class' : '', 'kwargs' : {'parameter1' : 'value1', 'parameter2' : 'value2'}]} """ info = {} info['assignments'] = assignments = [] info['blacklists'] = blacklists = [] # Extract contextual portlets mapping = getMultiAdapter((context, manager), IPortletAssignmentMapping, context=context) for name, assignment in mapping.items(): assignments.append(extractInfoFromAssignment(name, assignment)) # Extract blacklists for given object and manager localassignmentmanager = getMultiAdapter((context, manager), ILocalPortletAssignmentManager) blacklist = localassignmentmanager._getBlacklist() if blacklist is not None: for category, key in blacklist.items(): blacklists.append((category, key)) return info def extractPortletsFromContext(context, slot_structure, typesToShow, managers): """ Extract portlets for given object assigned through all portlet managers. Data structure: ('unique/path/to/context', [(, ), (, ), (, )]) """ info = [] key = '/'.join(context.getPhysicalPath()[2:]) for name, manager in managers: info.append((name, extractContextPortletsFromManager(context, manager))) slot_structure.append((key, info)) return slot_structure def dumpAllPortlets(context, slot_structure, typesToShow, managers): extractPortletsFromContext(context, slot_structure, typesToShow, managers) if getattr(context.aq_base, 'isPrincipiaFolderish', 0): for id, obj in context.contentItems(): if obj.portal_type in typesToShow: dumpAllPortlets(obj, slot_structure, typesToShow, managers) return slot_structure def dumpPortlets(context, dump_policy, dump_portlets_selection): """ Extract portlets from given set of objects and site-wide portlets too. Data structure: SLOT_STRUCTURE = [(), (), ()] """ portal = getToolByName(context, 'portal_url').getPortalObject() portal_state = getMultiAdapter((portal, context.REQUEST), name=u'plone_portal_state') typesToShow = portal_state.friendly_types() components = getSiteManager(context) managers = [r for r in components.registeredUtilities() if r.provided.isOrExtends(IPortletManager)] context_managers = [(, getUtility(IPortletManager,, context=context)) for m in managers if not IPlacelessPortletManager.providedBy(m.component)] managers = [(, getUtility(IPortletManager,, context=context)) for m in managers] slot_structure = [] if dump_policy == 'root': extractPortletsFromContext(portal, slot_structure, typesToShow, context_managers) elif dump_policy == 'all': dumpAllPortlets(portal, slot_structure, typesToShow, context_managers) elif dump_policy == 'selection': for ppath in dump_portlets_selection: obj = portal.restrictedTraverse(ppath) extractPortletsFromContext(obj, slot_structure, typesToShow, context_managers) slot_structure.append(('__site-wide-portlets__', extractSiteWidePortlets(portal, managers))) return slot_structure def buildSkinLayers(context, zmi_base_skin_name): pskins = getToolByName(context,'portal_skins') layers = (pskins.getSkinPath(zmi_base_skin_name) or '').split(',') return "\n".join([' ' % l for l in layers]) def getFSSkinPath(folder, fs_dest_directory, fs_product_name): """ Return file system skin path for subdir.""" folder_path = '/'.join(folder.getPhysicalPath()[list(folder.getPhysicalPath()).index('portal_skins')+1:]) skinpath = "%s/%s/skins/%s" % (fs_dest_directory, fs_product_name, folder_path) # If in skin's subfolder - get its path #skinp, subp = [obj.getPhysicalPath() for obj in [skin_obj, subdir]] #if len(subp) != len(skinp): ## adapt skinpath for creating directory #skinpath += '/' + '/'.join( subp[len(skinp):] ) return skinpath def dumpFolder(folder, fs_dest_directory, fs_product_name): skinpath = getFSSkinPath(folder, fs_dest_directory, fs_product_name) # Create directory in FS if not yet exist if not os.path.exists(skinpath): os.makedirs(skinpath) # Loop of copying content from ZMIskin-folder to FSskin-folder obj_meta = {} for o in folder.objectValues(): meta_type = o.meta_type id = get_id(o) if meta_type in _acceptable_meta_types: # Adding to .objects all acceptable meta_types. # Fixing bug of id-meta_type confusing. obj_meta[id] = meta_type if meta_type == 'Folder': # very plone specific if id in ['stylesheet_properties', 'base_properties'] or id.startswith('base_properties'): writeProps(o, skinpath, extension = '.props') else: dumpFolder(o, fs_product_name, fs_product_name) elif meta_type in _write_custom_meta_type_list: #writeProps( o, skinpath ) # write object's properties # extract content from object(depend on metatype) and write it to the file writeFileContent(o, skinpath, getData(o, meta_type)) else: print 'method ignoring ', meta_type # write '.objects' file to directory if present objects with id without extension if obj_meta : writeObjectsMeta(obj_meta, skinpath) def dumpSkin(context, skin_names=['custom',], fs_dest_directory=PRODUCTS_PATH, fs_product_name='QSkinTemplate', erase_from_skin=0): """Dump custom information to file.""" if type(skin_names) not in (type([]), type(())): skin_names = [skin_names,] for skin_name in list(skin_names): folder = getToolByName(context, 'portal_skins')[skin_name] dumpFolder(folder, fs_dest_directory, fs_product_name) # delete objects from the skin, if request if erase_from_skin: folder.manage_delObjects(ids = folder.objectIds()) def fillinFileTemplate(f_path_read, f_path_write=None, dict={}): """ Fillin file template with data from dictionary.""" if not f_path_write: f_path_write = f_path_read f_tmpl = open(f_path_read, 'r') tmpl = f_tmpl.close() f_tmpl = open(f_path_write, 'w') try: f_tmpl.write(tmpl % dict) except: raise str(tmpl) f_tmpl.close() def getResourcesList(directory, resources_list, pattern=CSS_PATTERN): """ Get resources list from 'directory' skin folder.""" for o in directory.objectValues(): meta_type = o.meta_type id = get_id(o) if meta_type == 'Folder': # very plone specific if id not in ['stylesheet_properties', 'base_properties'] \ and not id.startswith('base_properties'): css_list = getResourcesList(o, resources_list, pattern) elif pattern.match(id): resources_list.append( id ) return resources_list def getResourceProperties(context, regestry_id, prop_list, dflt=''): """ Return list of dictionaries with all dumped resources properties.""" properties=[] resource = getToolByName(context, regestry_id, None) if resource: for res in resource.getResources(): props = {} for prop in prop_list: accessor = getattr(res, 'get%s' % prop.capitalize(), None) if accessor: props[prop] = accessor() or dflt properties.append(props) return properties def getResourceListRegdata(context, subdir, rsrc_pattern, rsrc_name, rsrc_reg_props): rsrc_list = getResourcesList(subdir, resources_list=[], pattern=rsrc_pattern)#---CSS--#000000#aabbcc result_rsrc_list = [] [result_rsrc_list.append(item) for item in rsrc_list if item not in result_rsrc_list] skin_css_regdata = getResourceProperties(context, rsrc_name, rsrc_reg_props) # Get Data from CSS Regestry return result_rsrc_list, skin_css_regdata def copyDir(srcDirectory, dstDirectory, productName): """Recursive copying from ZMIskin-folder to FS one""" for item in os.listdir(srcDirectory): src_path = ospJoin(srcDirectory, item) dst_path = ospJoin(dstDirectory, item) if os.path.isfile(src_path): if os.path.exists(dst_path): continue f_sorce = open(src_path,'r') data = f_sorce.close() f_dst = open(dst_path,'w') f_dst.write(data) f_dst.close() elif os.path.isdir(src_path) \ and not ".svn" in src_path: if not os.path.exists(dst_path): os.mkdir(dst_path) copyDir(src_path, dst_path, productName) def fsDirectoryViewsXML(folder_names, product_name, remove=False): pattern = """ \n""" xml = '' if type(folder_names) not in (type([]), type(())): folder_names = [folder_names,] for name in folder_names: xml += pattern % {'product_name' : product_name, \ 'folder_name' : name, \ 'remove' : remove and 'remove="True"' or '', \ } return xml def makeNewProduct(context, destinationDir, productName, productSkinName, \ zmi_skin_names, zmi_base_skin_name, subdir,\ doesCustomizeSlots, left_slots, right_slots, slot_forming, main_column, \ doesExportObjects, import_policy, dump_CSS, dump_JS, \ dump_portlets, dump_policy, dump_portlets_selection, dump_custom_views): """Create new skin-product's directory and copy skin-product template with little modification""" products_path = destinationDir productPath = ospJoin(products_path, productName) if not (productName in os.listdir(products_path)): os.mkdir(productPath) files_to_remove = [] files_to_add = [] # Form CSS and JS importing list and regestry data (looking in subdir too) for Plone 2.1.0+ stylesheets_xml = '' javascripts_xml = '' #subdir = subdir or getToolByName(context, 'portal_skins')[zmi_skin_name] portal_setup = getToolByName(context, 'portal_setup') result_css_list = skin_css_regdata = result_js_list = skin_js_regdata = [] base_context = BaseContext(portal_setup, portal_setup.getEncoding()) if dump_CSS: res_reg = getToolByName(context, 'portal_css', None) exporter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((res_reg, base_context), IBody) if exporter is not None: stylesheets_xml = exporter.body #result_css_list, skin_css_regdata = getResourceListRegdata(context, subdir, #CSS_PATTERN, 'portal_css', CSS_REG_PROPS) if stylesheets_xml == '': files_to_remove.append(ospJoin('profiles', 'default', 'cssregistry.xml')) if dump_JS: res_reg = getToolByName(context, 'portal_javascripts', None) exporter = zapi.queryMultiAdapter((res_reg, base_context), IBody) if exporter is not None: javascripts_xml = exporter.body #result_js_list, skin_js_regdata = getResourceListRegdata(context, subdir, #JS_PATTERN, 'portal_javascripts', JS_REG_PROPS) if javascripts_xml == '': files_to_remove.append(ospJoin('profiles', 'default', 'jsregistry.xml')) slots = () if dump_portlets: slots = dumpPortlets(context, dump_policy, dump_portlets_selection) # Get Slots customization information if not doesCustomizeSlots: left_slots = right_slots = None slot_forming = main_column = None # Prepare XML strings for add to skins.xml skin_layers = buildSkinLayers(context, zmi_base_skin_name) # Prepare profiles default_marker, afterinstall_marker, uninstall_marker = {}, {}, {} profiles = ['default', 'afterinstall', 'uninstall'] profiles_path = ospJoin(products_path, productName, 'profiles') for profile in profiles: varname = "%s_marker" % profile file_name = "%s_%s.txt" % (productName.lower(), profile) locals()[varname].update({'fname' : file_name, \ 'fpath' : ospJoin(profiles_path, profile, file_name), \ 'fdata' : "# Marker file for %s profile of %s skin" % \ (profile, productName) }) files_to_add.append(locals()[varname]) # dump customized objects from portal_view_customization custom_views = [] if dump_custom_views: custom_views = dumpPortalViewCustomization(context) # Copy skin_template to SKIN_PRODUCT directory templatePath = ospJoin(PRODUCTS_PATH, PROJECTNAME, TEMPLATE_PATH) copyDir(templatePath, productPath, productName) # Form data dictionary and form Skin Product's files conf_dict = {"IMPORT_POLICY" : import_policy \ ,"GENERATOR_PRODUCT" : PROJECTNAME \ ,"SKIN_PRODUCT_NAME" : productName \ ,"SKIN_NAME" : productSkinName \ ,"BASE_SKIN_NAME" : zmi_base_skin_name \ ,"DUMP_CSS": not not dump_CSS \ ,"DUMP_JS": not not dump_JS \ ,"CSS_LIST" : str(result_css_list) \ ,"JS_LIST" : str(result_js_list) \ ,"SKIN_CSS_REGDATA" : str(skin_css_regdata) \ ,"SKIN_JS_REGDATA" : str(skin_js_regdata) \ ,"LEFT_SLOTS" : str(left_slots) \ ,"RIGHT_SLOTS" : str(right_slots) \ ,"SLOT_FORMING" : slot_forming \ ,"MAIN_COLUMN" : main_column \ ,"product_name" : productName \ ,"skin_name" : productSkinName \ ,"skin_name_lowercase" : productSkinName.lower() \ ,"skin_name_capital" : '%s%s' % (productSkinName[0].upper(), productSkinName[1:]) \ ,"product_name_lowercase" : productName.lower() \ ,"viewlets_zcml" : '' \ ,"stylesheets_xml" : stylesheets_xml \ ,"javascripts_xml" : javascripts_xml \ ,"version" : time.strftime('%Y%m%d') \ ,"slot_structure" : str(slots) \ ,"skin_layers" : skin_layers \ ,"custom_views" : str(custom_views) \ ,"directory_views_xml" : fsDirectoryViewsXML(zmi_skin_names, productName) \ ,"remove_directory_views_xml" : fsDirectoryViewsXML(zmi_skin_names, productName, remove=True) \ ,"creation_date" : time.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') \ ,"install_profile_marker" : default_marker['fname'] \ ,"afterinstall_profile_marker" : afterinstall_marker['fname'] \ ,"uninstall_profile_marker" : uninstall_marker['fname'] \ } sp_updated_files = ['' \ ,'README.txt' \ ,'HISTORY.txt' \ ,'' \ ,'' \ ,'profiles.zcml' \ ,'' \ ,'configure.zcml' \ ,'skins.zcml' \ ,ospJoin('Extensions', '')\ ,ospJoin('browser', '')\ ,ospJoin('browser', 'viewlets.zcml')\ ,ospJoin('browser', 'configure.zcml')\ ,ospJoin('profiles', 'default', 'skins.xml')\ ,ospJoin('profiles', 'default', 'cssregistry.xml')\ ,ospJoin('profiles', 'default', 'jsregistry.xml')\ ,ospJoin('profiles', 'default', 'propertiestool.xml')\ ,ospJoin('profiles', 'afterinstall', 'import_steps.xml')\ ,ospJoin('profiles', 'uninstall', 'import_steps.xml')\ ,ospJoin('profiles', 'uninstall', 'skins.xml')\ ,ospJoin('browser', 'configure.zcml') \ #,ospJoin('profiles', 'uninstall', 'cssregistry.xml')\ #,ospJoin('profiles', 'uninstall', 'jsregistry.xml')\ ] for fp in sp_updated_files: fillinFileTemplate(ospJoin(productPath, fp), dict=conf_dict) for fp in files_to_remove: os.remove(ospJoin(productPath,fp)) for data in files_to_add: f = file(data['fpath'],'w') f.write(data['fdata']) f.close()