import os ## PLONE AND SKIN PRODUCT SPECIFIC CONSTANTS GLOBALS = globals() GENERATOR_PRODUCT = "%(GENERATOR_PRODUCT)s" PRODUCT_NAME = "%(SKIN_PRODUCT_NAME)s" SKIN_NAME = "%(SKIN_NAME)s" BASE_SKIN_NAME = "%(BASE_SKIN_NAME)s" ## ## SLOT FORMING CONSTANTS ## ## Skin Product's portlet lists for left and right columns. ## 'None' - mean that on installation slot will not be changed. ## ['some/portlet1','some/portlet2'] - will change appropriate (left or right) ## slot to listed portlets #LEFT_SLOTS = %(LEFT_SLOTS)s #RIGHT_SLOTS = %(RIGHT_SLOTS)s ## Slot's list forming procedure. ## "blend_with_skin" [default]- to SKIN PRODUCT'S slots list added unknown slots from SITE. ## "blend_with_site" - to SITE's slots list added unknown slots from SKIN PRODUCT. ## "replace" - in left and right site's columns placed ONLY SKIN PRODUCT's slots. #SLOT_FORMING = "blend_with_skin" #SLOT_FORMING = "blend_with_site" #SLOT_FORMING = "replace" #SLOT_FORMING = "%(SLOT_FORMING)s" ## Favour column for slots forming procedure. IMPORTANT only for 'Blend with...' ## Slot's list forming procedure. ## "left" OR "right" - if find same slots in left and right columns - than ## slots move accordingly to left/right column. ## "both" - if find same slots in left and right columns - than slots ## positionings as in Master's slots lists - ## from SKIN PRODUCT's slots for 'Blend with skin' procedure ## and SITE's slots for 'Blend with site' one. #MAIN_COLUMN = "left" #MAIN_COLUMN = "right" #MAIN_COLUMN = "both" #MAIN_COLUMN = "%(MAIN_COLUMN)s" ## ## CSS AND JAVASCRIPTS RESOURCES CONSTANTS ## Actual only for 2.1+ Plone. For older Plone version - this data not used. ## Work only if at least one of (DOES_COSTOMIZE_CSS, DOES_COSTOMIZE_JS) ## constant(s) set to True ## ## Does customize CSS or Javascripts resources - define if perform corresponding ## registry customization. #DOES_COSTOMIZE_CSS = True # Do portal_css customization #DOES_COSTOMIZE_CSS = False # Do NOT portal_css customization DOES_COSTOMIZE_CSS = %(DUMP_CSS)s #DOES_COSTOMIZE_JS = True # Do portal_javascripts customization #DOES_COSTOMIZE_JS = False # Do NOT portal_javascripts customization DOES_COSTOMIZE_JS = %(DUMP_JS)s ## Skin Product's CSS and Javascript lists. CSS_LIST = %(CSS_LIST)s JS_LIST = %(JS_LIST)s ## CSS and Javascript registries settings for Skin Product. ## Actual for right functionality css-es and ECMA scripts. ## For manually changing you must know what you do. SKIN_CSS_REGDATA = %(SKIN_CSS_REGDATA)s SKIN_JS_REGDATA = %(SKIN_JS_REGDATA)s ## ## IMPORTING OBJECTS TO PORTAL ROOT ## ## *IMPORT_POLICY* define importing behavior in case of presenting identical ## ids among both - portal root objects and imported objects from ## /import subdirectory. ## "only_new" [default]- imported objects with same ids are ignored - not imported. ## "backup" - in case of presenting same id objects, in portal root creates ## back_[date] directory, where moved all same id's objects from ## portal root. Then all objects are imported to portal root. ## "overwrite" - all objects in portal root with same ids are deleted. Then all ## objects are imported to portal root. # #IMPORT_POLICY = "backup" #IMPORT_POLICY = "overwrite" #IMPORT_POLICY = "only_new" IMPORT_POLICY = "%(IMPORT_POLICY)s" ## ## CUSTOMIZATION FUNCTIONS ## ## FINAL_CUSTOMIZATION_FUNCTIONS - list of additional customization functions. ## For perform additional customization in the SkinProduct - write in this ## module a customization function(s) and add its name(s) to FINAL_CUSTOMIZATION_FUNCTIONS ## constant list. Customization function must acept 2 parameters: 'portal' and 'out'. ## Example: ## def myCustomization(portal, out): ## # Clear right slots for portal ## portal.manage_addProperty('my_prop', 'my_value', type='string') ## print >> out, "right slots deleted for portal." ## FINAL_CUSTOMIZATION_FUNCTIONS = [myCustomization] from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName FINAL_CUSTOMIZATION_FUNCTIONS = [] # site portlets registry SLOT_STRUCTURE = %(slot_structure)s # portal_view_customization content CUSTOM_VIEWS = %(custom_views)s # absolute file system path to product from Globals import package_home PRODUCTS_PATH = os.sep.join(package_home(GLOBALS).split(os.sep)[:-1])