from urllib2 import urlopen from urllib import quote as urlquote from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName import re import Products.qPloneGoogleSitemaps.config as config from OFS.ObjectManager import BadRequestException def ping_google(url): """Ping sitemap to Google""" sitemap_url = urlquote(url + "/google-sitemaps") g = urlopen(''+sitemap_url) result = g.close() return 0 def searchAndReplace(string, what, with, options): """Emulate sed command s/""" res = re.sub(what,with,string) return res OPERATORS = { 's': searchAndReplace, } def applyOperations(objects, operations): """Parse Operations """ parse = re.compile('(.*?)/(.*|.*?[^\\\])/(.*|.*?[^\\\])/(.*)') operations=[parse.match(op).groups() for op in operations] result={} for ob in objects: url = ob.getURL() for operator, what, with, options in operations: url = OPERATORS[operator](url, what, with, options) #TODO: Remove or replace following condition #it is senseless in the case we need intelligent #result set. Better condition would be to place #freshest brain into result if url in result.keys(): continue #TODO: replace brain with only data necessary to #generate sitemap result[url]=ob return result def additionalURLs(self): """Add URLs to sitemap that arn't objects""" res = [] plone_home = getToolByName(self, 'portal_url').getPortalObject().absolute_url() root = self.getPhysicalRoot().absolute_url() props = getToolByName(self,'portal_properties') try: URLs = props.googlesitemap_properties.urls except AttributeError: URLs = [] add_zope = re.compile('^/') add_plone= re.compile('^[^http://|https://|\\\]') for url in URLs: if add_zope.match(url): res.append(root+url) elif add_plone.match(url): res.append(plone_home+'/'+url) else: res.append(url) return res """workflows & co""" def getWorkflowTransitions(self,workflow_id): pw = getToolByName(self,'portal_workflow') wf = pw.getWorkflowById(workflow_id) if not wf: return None return wf.transitions.values() def setWorkflowTransitions(self,transitions): """set workflow transitions properties""" portal_workflow = getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow') transmap = {} for key in transitions: if key.find('#')>0: ids = key.split('#') wfid = ids[0] if not wfid in transmap.keys(): transmap[wfid]=[] transmap[wfid].append(ids[1]) for wfid in transmap.keys(): workflow = portal_workflow.getWorkflowById(wfid) if config.ping_googlesitemap not in workflow.scripts.objectIds(): workflow.scripts.manage_addProduct['ExternalMethod'].manage_addExternalMethod(config.ping_googlesitemap, 'Ping sitemap', 'qPloneGoogleSitemaps.ping_googlesitemap', config.ping_googlesitemap) transitions_set = transmap[wfid] for transition in workflow.transitions.values(): trid = tras = transition.after_script_name if (tras == '') and (trid in transitions_set): #set after_script = config.ping_googlesitemap elif (tras == config.ping_googlesitemap) and not (trid in transitions_set): #reset after_script = '' else: #avoid properties set continue transition.setProperties(title=transition.title, new_state_id=transition.new_state_id, after_script_name=after_script, actbox_name=transition.actbox_name)