from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo try: from Products.CMFCore.permissions import ModifyPortalContent, View except ImportError: from Products.CMFCore.CMFCorePermissions import ModifyPortalContent, View try: from Products.LinguaPlone.public import * except ImportError: from Products.Archetypes.public import * from zope.interface import implements from Products.ATContentTypes.content.document import ATDocumentSchema from Products.ATContentTypes.content.document import ATDocument from Products.ATContentTypes.content.schemata import finalizeATCTSchema from Products.qPloneGoogleMaps.field import * from Products.qPloneGoogleMaps.config import * from geo.interfaces import IPlacemark MarkerSchema = ATDocumentSchema.copy() + Schema(( MapField('location', default=None, required=True, validators=('isLocation',), widget=MapWidget( label='Marker Location', label_msgid='label_marker_center', description='Here you can choose marker location on the map by mouse clicking', description_msgid='help_marker_center', i18n_domain='googlemaps', ) ), StringField('color', vocabulary=('default', 'red', 'green', 'blue'), default='default', widget=SelectionWidget( label='Marker Color', label_msgid='label_marker_color', description_msgid='help_marker_color', i18n_domain='googlemaps', ) ), ), ) finalizeATCTSchema(MarkerSchema) class Marker(ATDocument): """ Map Marker """ implements(IPlacemark) schema = MarkerSchema content_icon = 'marker_icon.gif' portal_type = 'Marker' meta_type = 'Marker' archetype_name = 'Marker' default_view = 'marker_view' immediate_view = 'marker_view' suppl_views = () typeDescription = 'Marker document' typeDescMsgId = 'marker_description_edit' security = ClassSecurityInfo() # Get the standard actions (tabs) #actions = ATCTContent.actions # Make sure we get title-to-id generation when an object is created _at_rename_after_creation = True security.declareProtected(View, 'geoLocation') def geoLocation(self): return self.getLocation() name = property(""" see interface """) visibility = property(""" see interface """) open = property(""" see interface """) address = property(""" see interface """) AddressDetails = property(""" see interface """) phoneNumber = property(""" see interface """) Snippet = property(""" see interface """) LookAt = property(""" see interface """) StyleSelector = property(""" see interface """) Region = property(""" see interface """) geometry = property(""" see interface """) registerType(Marker, PROJECTNAME)