import os from string import atoi import md5 from random import randint from import basic_english from Products.qPloneCaptchas.config import havePIL, CAPTCHAS_COUNT from DateTime import DateTime import re try: import Crypto.Cipher.DES as Crypto except: import Crypto def encrypt1(s): return def gen_captcha(text, fnt_sz, fmt='JPEG'): """Generate a captcha image""" import ImageFile import Image import ImageFont import ImageDraw import ImageFilter from PIL import ImageFile as pyImageFile import sys sys.modules['ImageFile'] = pyImageFile from cStringIO import StringIO outFile = StringIO() DATA_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) + '/data' FONT_PATH = DATA_PATH + '/fonts' # randomly select the foreground color fgcolor = randint(0x000000,0x000fff) # make the background color the opposite of fgcolor bgcolor = fgcolor ^ 0xffffff # create a font object import sys font = ImageFont.truetype(FONT_PATH+'/vera/Vera.ttf', fnt_sz) # determine dimensions of the text dim = font.getsize(text) # create a new image slightly larger that the text im ='RGB', (dim[0]+5,dim[1]+5), bgcolor) d = ImageDraw.Draw(im) x, y = im.size r = randint # draw 100 random colored boxes on the background for num in range(50): d.rectangle((r(0,x),r(0,y),r(0,x),r(0,y)),fill=r(0xfff000,0xffffff)) # add the text to the image d.text((3,3), text, font=font, fill=fgcolor) for num in range(10): d.line([(r(0,x), r(0,y)), (r(0,x), r(0,y))], fill=r(0xf0f000, 0xffffff)) im = im.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE) # save the image to a file, format=fmt) src = size = len(src) sys.modules['ImageFile'] = ImageFile return {'src':src, 'size':size} def getWord(index): words = basic_english.words.split() return words[index] def getIndex(word): words = basic_english.words.split() try: res = words.index(word) except ValueError: res = getLen()+1 return res def getCaptchasCount(havePIL): def getLen(): return len(basic_english.words.split()) return havePIL and getLen() or CAPTCHAS_COUNT def formKey(num): def normalize(s): return (not len(s)%8 and s) or normalize(s+str(randint(0, 9))) return normalize('%s_%i_'%(str(DateTime().timeTime()), num)) def encrypt(key, s): return toHex( def decrypt(key, s): return def parseKey(s): ps = re.match('^(.+?)_(.+?)_', s) return {'date':, 'key'} """ def addExpiredKey(context, key): """ def toHex(s): lst = [] for ch in s: hv = hex(ord(ch)).replace('0x', '') if len(hv) == 1: hv = '0'+hv lst.append(hv) return reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, lst) def toStr(s): return s and chr(atoi(s[:2], base=16)) + toStr(s[2:]) or ''