from Products.CMFPlone.URLTool import URLTool from adapters.interfaces import IRequestPortalUrlAnnotator ## XXX PATCH FOR FILERESOURCE, UNTILL ADD 'POST' METHOD OR FIX ## method marker = [] from Products.Five.browser.resource import FileResource if getattr(FileResource, 'POST', marker) == marker: FileResource.POST = FileResource.GET def urltool_call(self, relative=0, *args, **kw): """ Get by default the absolute URL of the portal. If request is annonated then add suffix to portal_url """ # print '################################ Called patched portal_url __call__: ' + self.REQUEST.URL url_suffix = '' if self.REQUEST: annotator = IRequestPortalUrlAnnotator(self.REQUEST, None) if annotator is not None: url_suffix = annotator.getPortalUrlSuffix() # print '############ Added sufix to portal_url: ' + url_suffix return self.getPortalObject().absolute_url(relative=relative) + url_suffix def urltool_getPortalPath(self): """ Get the portal object's URL without the server URL component. """ url_suffix = '' if self.REQUEST: annotator = IRequestPortalUrlAnnotator(self.REQUEST, None) if annotator is not None: url_suffix = annotator.getPortalUrlSuffix() # print '############ Added sufix to portal_url: ' + url_suffix return '/'.join(self.getPortalObject().getPhysicalPath()) + url_suffix URLTool.__call__ = urltool_call #URLTool.getPortalPath = urltool_getPortalPath