from Products.Archetypes.public import * from Products.ATContentTypes.content.base import ATCTContent from Products.ATContentTypes.content.schemata import ATContentTypeSchema #from Products.Archetypes.BaseContent import BaseContent #from Products.SimpleBlog.config import * schema = ATContentTypeSchema.copy() + Schema(( #schema = BaseSchema + Schema(( StringField('url', widget=StringWidget(label_msgid = 'label_url', description_msgid = 'help_url'), ), StringField('blog_name', widget=StringWidget(label_msgid = 'label_blog_name', description_msgid = 'help_blog_name'), ), TextField('excerpt', widget = RichWidget(label = "excerpt", label_msgid = "label_excerpt", i18n_domain = "plone")), )) class TrackBack(ATCTContent): """Track Back Info container title - title of track Back url - server ping url blog_name - blog-sender name excerpt - simplified content text """ # Standard content type setup portal_type = meta_type = archetype_name = 'TrackBack' #content_icon='entry_icon.gif' global_allow=1 ## Change to 0 !!! allow_discussion = 0 default_view = 'base_view' immediate_view = 'base_view' # Make sure we get title-to-id generation when an object is created _at_rename_after_creation = False def canSetDefaultPage(self): return False schema = schema # Override original ExtensibleMetadata method # for prevent "Unauthorized" exception raicing def allowDiscussion(self, allowDiscussion=None, **kw): """ """ return None registerType(TrackBack)