from Products.Archetypes.public import * #from Products.Archetypes.public import BaseSchema, BaseFolderSchema, Schema #from Products.Archetypes.public import StringField, TextField, LinesField, BooleanField #from Products.Archetypes.public import TextAreaWidget, VisualWidget, MultiSelectionWidget, StringWidget, IdWidget #from Products.Archetypes.public import RichWidget, BooleanWidget #from Products.Archetypes.public import BaseContent, registerType, BaseFolder from Products.CMFCore import CMFCorePermissions from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from DateTime import DateTime import Permissions import string,os,urllib,httplib,urlparse,re import sys from util import * schema = BaseFolderSchema + Schema(( StringField('id', required = 0, ## Still actually required, but ## the widget will supply the missing value ## on non-submits mode = "rw", accessor = "getId", mutator = "setId", default = None, widget = IdWidget(label = "Short Name", label_msgid = "label_short_name", description = "Should not contain spaces, underscores or mixed case. "\ "Short Name is part of the item's web address.", description_msgid = "help_shortname", visible = {'view' : 'visible', 'edit':'visible'}, i18n_domain = "plone"), ), StringField('title', required = 1, searchable = 1, default = '', accessor = 'Title', widget = StringWidget(label_msgid = "label_title", description_msgid = "help_title", i18n_domain = "plone"), ), StringField('description', searchable = 1, isMetadata = 1, accessor = 'Description', widget = TextAreaWidget(label = 'Description', label_msgid = "label_entry_description", description_msgid = "help_entry_description", i18n_domain = "SimpleBlog", raws = 3, description = 'Give a description for this entry.'),), TextField('body', searchable = 1, required = 0, primary = 1, default_content_type = 'text/html', default_output_type = 'text/html', allowable_content_types = ('text/plain','text/structured', 'text/html', 'text/restructured'), widget = RichWidget(label = 'Body', label_msgid = "label_entry_body", description_msgid = "help_entry_body", i18n_domain = "SimpleBlog", description = "Body of the blog")), LinesField('categories', accessor = 'EntryCategory', edit_accessor = 'EntryCategory', index = 'KeywordIndex', vocabulary = 'listCategories', widget = MultiSelectionWidget(format = 'select', label_msgid = "label_entry_categories", description_msgid = "help_entry_categories", i18n_domain = "SimpleBlog", label = 'Categories', description = 'Select to which categories this Entry belongs to')), LinesField('tags', accessor = 'EntryTag', mutator = 'setEntryTag', index = 'KeywordIndex', enforseVocabulary = 1, vocabulary = 'listTags', widget = KeywordWidget(label_msgid = "label_entry_tags", description_msgid = "help_entry_tags", i18n_domain = "SimpleBlog", label = 'Tags', description = 'Select tags for')), BooleanField('alwaysOnTop', default = 0, index = 'FieldIndex:schema', widget = BooleanWidget(label = 'Entry is always listed on top.', label_msgid = "label_always_top", description_msgid = "help_always_top", i18n_domain = "SimpleBlog", description = 'Controls if the Entry (when published) shown as the first Entry. If not checked, the effective date is used.')), LinesField('sendTrackBackURLs', languageIndependent = True, searchable = True, widget = LinesWidget(label = "sendTrackBackURLs", label_msgid = "label_sendTrackBackURLs", description = ("URL for sending trackbacks"), description_msgid = "help_event_attendees", i18n_domain = "plone")), )) class BlogEntry(BaseFolder): """ A BlogEntry can exist inside a SimpleBlog Folder or an EntryFolder """ schema = schema global_allow = 0 content_icon = 'entry_icon.gif' filter_content_types = 1 allowed_content_types = ('TrackBack','Link', 'Image', 'File') actions = ({ 'id': 'view', 'name': 'View', 'action': 'string:${object_url}/blogentry_view', 'permissions': (CMFCorePermissions.View,) }, {'id': 'references', 'name': 'References', 'action': 'string:${object_url}/reference_edit', 'permissions': (CMFCorePermissions.ModifyPortalContent,), 'visible':0}, {'id': 'metadata', 'name': 'Properties', 'action': 'string:${object_url}/base_metadata', 'permissions': (CMFCorePermissions.ModifyPortalContent,), 'visible':0}) def getAlwaysOnTop(self): if hasattr(self, 'alwaysOnTop'): if self.alwaysOnTop == None or self.alwaysOnTop == 0: return 0 else: return 1 else: return 0 def getIcon(self, relative_to_portal = 0): try: if self.getAlwaysOnTop() == 0: return 'entry_icon.gif' else: return 'entry_pin.gif' except: return 'entry_icon.gif' def listCategories(self): # traverse upwards in the tree to collect all the available categories # stop collecting when a SimpleBlog object is reached cats = [] parent = self.aq_parent portal = self.portal_url.getPortalObject() while parent != portal: if parent.portal_type == 'Blog' or parent.portal_type == 'BlogFolder': # add cats pcats = parent.getCategories() for c in pcats: if c not in cats: cats.append(c) if parent.portal_type == 'Blog': break parent = parent.aq_parent # add the global categories for c in self.simpleblog_tool.getGlobalCategories(): if not c in cats: cats.append(c) cats.sort() return tuple(cats) def start(self): return self.getEffectiveDate() def end(self): """ return the same data as start() since an entry is not an event but an item that is published on a specific date. We want the entries in the calendar to appear on only one day. """ return self.getEffectiveDate() #function for sending ping def sendTrackBack(self): message = "TrackBack sent" title = self.title src_url = self.absolute_url() blog = self.simpleblog_tool.getFrontPage(self) blog_name = blog.Title() excerpt=self.description agent = "SimpleBlog" result=[] for i in self.getSendTrackBackURLs(): ping_url=i err,mes = post_trackback(self, ping_url=ping_url, title = title, src_url = src_url, blog_name = blog_name, excerpt=self.description, agent = "SimpleBlog", charset = "utf-8") result.append((err,mes)) result.append(("excerpt",self.description)) return result def getTrackbacks(self): """ """ return self.listFolderContents(spec="TrackBack") def setEntryTag(self, value, **kwargs): """ Update tags in the Entry in parent Blog """ value = list(value) value.sort() self.getField('tags').set(self, value, **kwargs) tags = self.listTags() newEntries = [v for v in value if not v in tags] if not newEntries: return newTagsList = list(tags)+ list(newEntries) parent = self.aq_parent portal = self.portal_url.getPortalObject() while parent != portal: if parent.portal_type == 'Blog': break parent = parent.aq_parent parent.setTags(newTagsList, **kwargs) def listTags(self): """ Get the list of Tags from parent Blog """ tags = [] parent = self.aq_parent portal = self.portal_url.getPortalObject() while parent != portal: if parent.portal_type == 'Blog': tags = parent.getTags() break parent = parent.aq_parent return tuple(tags) registerType(BlogEntry)