def addTrackback(self, url, title, excerpt, blog_name): """Add a trackback line to this entry. The passed variable can be the request containing the trackback information or a dict with the appropriate trackback keys. """ added = DateTime.DateTime() s = '|'.join((url, title, excerpt, blog_name, str(added))) current_trackback = self.getTrackbackPings() updated_trackback = [] for line in current_trackback: updated_trackback.append(line) updated_trackback.append(s) self.setTrackbackPings(updated_trackback) return True ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ def getWeblogCategories(self): """Return a list of the Categories this Entry is assigned""" result = DisplayList() weblog = self.quills_tool.getParentWeblog(self) #topics = self.quills_tool.getWeblogTopics(weblog) topics = weblog.getTopics() for topic in topics: result.add(topic.getId(), topic.Title()) return result