from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Globals import InitializeClass from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from DateTime import DateTime import xmlrpclib from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem XMLRPCTRUE = xmlrpclib.Boolean(1) XMLRPCFALSE = xmlrpclib.Boolean(0) authTwoMethods = ['mt/getRecentPostTitles', 'mt/getPostCategories', 'mt/setPostCategories', 'mt/publishPost', 'mt/supportedMethods', 'mt/supportedTextFilters'] def genericBloggerAuthTwo(arg_tuple): return arg_tuple[1],arg_tuple[2],arg_tuple class MovableTypeAPI(SimpleItem): """Implements the Movable Type API See: """ security = ClassSecurityInfo() def __init__(self, RPCAuth = None): "" if RPCAuth: self.setupRPCAuth(RPCAuth) security.declarePublic('setupRPCAuth') def setupRPCAuth(self, RPCAuth): RPCAuth.addAuthProvider(authTwoMethods, genericBloggerAuthTwo) security.declarePublic('publishPost') def publishPost(self, postid, username, password): """ Publish a post """ self.plone_log('mt/publishPost') print 'mt/publishPost' sbtool = getToolByName(self, 'simpleblog_tool') post = sbtool.getByUID(postid) if post: # do publishing wf_tool=getToolByName(self, 'portal_workflow') wf_state = wf_tool.getInfoFor(post, 'review_state', '') if wf_state != 'published': wf_tool.doActionFor(post, 'publish') # todo return XMLRPCTRUE raise AttributeError, "Entry %s does not exists" % postid security.declarePublic('getRecentPostTitles') def getRecentPostTitles(self, blogid, username, password, numberOfPosts=None): """Get a list of posts titles by a user. The number of posts is unlimited.""" self.plone_log('mt/getRecentPostTitles') print 'mt/getRecentPostTitles' sbtool = getToolByName(self, 'simpleblog_tool') blog = sbtool.getByUID(blogid) entries = blog.getFolderListingFolderContents(contentFilter={'portal_type': 'BlogEntry'},) # todo: what if entries are in subfolders? posts = [] for entry in entries: posts.append( { 'dateCreated':entry.created() , 'userid':entry.Creator() , 'postid':entry.UID() , 'title':entry.Title() , 'description':entry.getBody() , 'mt_excerpt':entry.Description() }) if numberOfPosts is not None: return posts[:int(numberOfPosts)] return posts security.declarePublic('getCategoryList') def getCategoryList(self, blogid, username, password): """ Get a list of available categories """ self.plone_log('mt/getCategoryList') print 'mt/getCategoryList' sbtool = getToolByName(self, 'simpleblog_tool') blog = sbtool.getByUID(blogid) cats = blog.listCategories() categories = [] for cat in cats: categories.append( {'isPrimary':XMLRPCFALSE, 'categoryId': cat, 'categoryName' : cat}) return categories security.declarePublic('getPostCategories') def getPostCategories(self, postid, username, password): """ Return an existing posting categories in the RSS format. """ self.plone_log('mt/getPostCategories') print 'mt/getPostCategories' sbtool = getToolByName(self, 'simpleblog_tool') post = sbtool.getByUID(postid) if post: cats = post.listCategories() res=[] for c in cats: res.append({'isPrimary':XMLRPCFALSE, 'categoryId':c, 'categoryName':c}) return res else: raise AttributeError, "Post %s was not found" % postid security.declarePublic('setPostCategories') def setPostCategories(self, postid, username, password, categories): """ Return an existing posting categories in the RSS format. """ self.plone_log('mt/setPostCategories') print 'mt/setPostCategories' sbtool = getToolByName(self, 'simpleblog_tool') post = sbtool.getByUID(postid) if post: res=[] categories = [s.get('categoryId', '') for s in categories if s.get('categoryId', '').strip()] post.setCategories(categories) post.reindexObject() return XMLRPCTRUE else: raise AttributeError, "Post %s was not found" % postid security.declarePublic('supportedMethods') def supportedMethods(self): """Return Value: an array of method names supported by the server. """ return [m.split('/')[1] for m in authTwoMethods] security.declarePublic('supportedTextFilters') def supportedTextFilters(self): """Return Value: an array of structs containing String ``key`` and String ``label``. ``key`` is the unique string identifying a text formatting plugin, and ``label`` is the readable description to be displayed to a user. ``key`` is the value that should be passed in the ``mt_convert_breaks`` parameter to newPost and editPost. """ # Not actually valid, but you get the idea supported = [{'key':'html', 'label':'HTML'}, {'key':'stx', 'label':'Structured Text'}, {'key':'plain-text', 'label':'Plain Text'}] return supported security.declarePublic('getTrackbackPings') def getTrackbackPings(self, postid): """Return Value: an array of structs containing String ``pingTitle`` (the title of the entry sent in the ping), String ``pingURL`` (the URL of the entry), and String ``pingIP`` (the IP address of the host that sent the ping). """ return [] InitializeClass(MovableTypeAPI)