from DateTime import DateTime from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.CMFCore.utils import parse_etags # ^^^ There was a whole bunch of code here for plone versions that # didn't have a recent enough version of CMF to include above # parse_etags method. I removed it. If needed it can be # resurrected. [Reinout] from Products.CacheSetup.config import CACHE_TOOL_ID #from AccessControl import ModuleSecurityInfo #security = ModuleSecurityInfo( 'Products.CMFCore.utils' ) #security.declarePrivate('_setCacheHeaders') def _setCacheHeaders(obj, extra_context, rule=None, header_set=None, expr_context=None): """Set cache headers according to cache policy manager for the obj.""" REQUEST = getattr(obj, 'REQUEST', None) if REQUEST is None: return if rule is None: pcs = getToolByName(obj, CACHE_TOOL_ID, None) object = obj.getParentNode() view = obj.getId() member = pcs.getMember() (rule, header_set) = pcs.getRuleAndHeaderSet(REQUEST, object, view, member) if header_set is None: return expr_context = rule._getExpressionContext(REQUEST, object, view, member, keywords=extra_context) elif header_set is None: return RESPONSE = REQUEST.RESPONSE (headers_to_add, headers_to_remove) = header_set.getHeaders(expr_context) for h in headers_to_remove: if RESPONSE.headers.has_key(h.lower()): del RESPONSE.headers[h.lower()] elif RESPONSE.headers.has_key(h): del RESPONSE.headers[h] for key, value in headers_to_add: if key == 'ETag': RESPONSE.setHeader(key, value, literal=1) else: RESPONSE.setHeader(key, value) #security.declarePrivate('_checkConditionalGET') def _checkConditionalGET(obj, extra_context, rule, header_set, expr_context): """A conditional GET is done using one or both of the request headers: If-Modified-Since: Date If-None-Match: list ETags (comma delimited, sometimes quoted) If both conditions are present, both must be satisfied. This method checks the caching policy manager to see if a content object's Last-modified date and ETag satisfy the conditional GET headers. Returns the tuple (last_modified, etag) if the conditional GET requirements are met and None if not. It is possible for one of the tuple elements to be None. For example, if there is no If-None-Match header and the caching policy does not specify an ETag, we will just return (last_modified, None). """ if header_set is None: return False # 304s not enabled if not header_set.getEnable304s(): return False REQUEST = getattr(obj, 'REQUEST', None) if REQUEST is None: return False if_modified_since = REQUEST.get_header('If-Modified-Since', None) if_none_match = REQUEST.get_header('If-None-Match', None) if if_modified_since is None and if_none_match is None: # not a conditional GET return False etag_matched = False # handle if-none-match if if_none_match: if not header_set.getEtag(): # no etag available return False content_etag = header_set.getEtagValue(expr_context) # ETag not available if content_etag is None: return False client_etags = parse_etags(if_none_match) if not client_etags: # bad if-none-match return False # is the current etag in the list of client-side etags? if (content_etag not in client_etags and '*' not in client_etags): return False etag_matched = True # handle if-modified-since if if_modified_since: if header_set.getLastModified() != 'yes': # no modification time available for content object return False # from CMFCore/ if_modified_since = if_modified_since.split(';')[0] # Some proxies seem to send invalid date strings for this # header. If the date string is not valid, we ignore it # rather than raise an error to be generally consistent # with common servers such as Apache (which can usually # understand the screwy date string as a lucky side effect # of the way they parse it). try: if_modified_since=long(DateTime(if_modified_since).timeTime()) except: # bad if-modified-since header - bail return False if if_modified_since < 0: # bad header return False content_mod_time = header_set.getLastModifiedValue(expr_context) if not content_mod_time: # if-modified-since but no content modification time available - bail return False content_mod_time = long(content_mod_time.timeTime()) if content_mod_time < 0: # bogus modification time return False # has content been modified since the if-modified-since time? if content_mod_time > if_modified_since: return False # If we generate an ETag, don't validate the conditional GET unless # the client supplies an ETag. This may be more conservative than the # spec requires. if header_set.getEtag(): if not etag_matched: return False _setCacheHeaders(obj, extra_context, rule, header_set, expr_context) REQUEST.RESPONSE.setStatus(304) return True