from cStringIO import StringIO from PIL import Image # Settings for member image resize quality PIL_SCALING_ALGO = Image.ANTIALIAS PIL_QUALITY = 88 MEMBER_IMAGE_SCALE = (75, 100) def scale_image(image_file, max_size=MEMBER_IMAGE_SCALE, default_format = 'PNG'): """Scales an image down to at most max_size preserving aspect ratio from an input file >>> import Products.CMFPlone >>> import os >>> from StringIO import StringIO >>> from Products.CMFPlone.utils import scale_image >>> from PIL import Image Let's make a couple test images and see how it works (all are 100x100), the gif is palletted mode:: >>> plone_path = os.path.dirname(Products.CMFPlone.__file__) >>> pjoin = os.path.join >>> path = pjoin(plone_path, 'tests', 'images') >>> orig_jpg = open(pjoin(path, 'test.jpg')) >>> orig_png = open(pjoin(path, 'test.png')) >>> orig_gif = open(pjoin(path, 'test.gif')) We'll also make some evil non-images, including one which masquerades as a jpeg (which would trick OFS.Image):: >>> invalid = StringIO('
') >>> sneaky = StringIO('\377\330
') OK, let's get to it, first check that our bad images fail: >>> scale_image(invalid, (50, 50)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IOError: cannot identify image file >>> scale_image(sneaky, (50, 50)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IOError: cannot identify image file Now that that's out of the way we check on our real images to make sure the format and mode are preserved, that they are scaled, and that they return the correct mimetype:: >>> new_jpg, mimetype = scale_image(orig_jpg, (50, 50)) >>> img = >>> img.size (50, 50) >>> img.format 'JPEG' >>> mimetype 'image/jpeg' >>> new_png, mimetype = scale_image(orig_png, (50, 50)) >>> img = >>> img.size (50, 50) >>> img.format 'PNG' >>> mimetype 'image/png' >>> new_gif, mimetype = scale_image(orig_gif, (50, 50)) >>> img = >>> img.size (50, 50) >>> img.format 'GIF' >>> img.mode 'P' >>> mimetype 'image/gif' We should also preserve the aspect ratio by scaling to the given width only unless told not to (we need to reset out files before trying again though:: >>> >>> new_jpg, mimetype = scale_image(orig_jpg, (70, 100)) >>> img = >>> img.size (70, 70) >>> >>> new_jpg, mimetype = scale_image(orig_jpg, (70, 50)) >>> img = >>> img.size (50, 50) """ # Make sure we have ints size = (int(max_size[0]), int(max_size[1])) # Load up the image, don't try to catch errors, we want to fail miserably # on invalid images image = # When might image.format not be true? format = image.format mimetype = 'image/%s'%format.lower() cur_size = image.size # from Archetypes ImageField # consider image mode when scaling # source images can be mode '1','L,','P','RGB(A)' # convert to greyscale or RGBA before scaling # preserve palletted mode (but not pallette) # for palletted-only image formats, e.g. GIF # PNG compression is OK for RGBA thumbnails original_mode = image.mode if original_mode == '1': image = image.convert('L') elif original_mode == 'P': image = image.convert('RGBA') # Rescale in place with an method that will not alter the aspect ratio # and will only shrink the image not enlarge it. image.thumbnail(size, resample=PIL_SCALING_ALGO) # preserve palletted mode for GIF and PNG if original_mode == 'P' and format in ('GIF', 'PNG'): image = image.convert('P') # Save new_file = StringIO(), format, quality=PIL_QUALITY) # Return the file data and the new mimetype return new_file, mimetype